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Article #69

The warehouse will enable you to keep a separate list of available items in your store, this items is moved to an auction when ready, and returned to the warehouse if not sold on the auction. WORKING WITH THE WAREHOUSE Click TOOLS Click WAREHOUSE You will be presented with a list of all the goods in your warehouse, this window will allow you to maintain this goods. RECIEVE NEW GOODS FROM A CUSTOMER Click [+NEW GRV] Specify the date the goods was received, Select the customer (Seller) as well as a reference. Specify all the goods in the list LINE - a line number READY (RDY) Y/N (Item is ready to be auctioned (e.g. needs to be washed or repaired first) STOCKTYPE - The ITEM code, usually "LIV" TYPE1 - The description of what type of the item is, e.g. "TV" or "HiFI" TYPE2 - Additional description, usually used for an identification, e.g. registration number QTY - The quantity of this item you received RESERVE - The reserve (STC) price if required by seller COMM% - The commission agreed to with seller that will be deducted, leave as "EVENT%" is the normal seller commission rates for your auctions apply. Most auctioneers first capture the received goods into a GRN book, then afterwards everything is captured from this book onto the system. If you use such a book, enter the GRV# number from that book, alternatively click on "AUTO" for the system to assign the next available number automatically If you cancel the GRV all captured items will be lost. Click [+ADD THIS GRV] to save the GRV A window will appear to allow you to print the GRV Click [PRINT GRV] to print or [CLOSE] to close the window All goods must then be labelled accordingly, either by the GRVLN or STOCKID scheme DEFINITION OF TERMS USED
ID Each line item in the store will get its own unique identification number, called the STOCK ID, note however it is possible you might have multiples and want it to be sold as a unit, in this case, it will have the same ID. e.g. 6 Chairs, and all 6 have stock ID of 1236
GRV GOODS REVIECED VOUCHER NUMBER, this might be the number from your paper based GRN book system or a number automatically assigned by the system.
LN The line item on a specific GRV
GRV/LN As with the Stock ID above, each line item in the store will ALSO get its own alternative unique identification number, called the GRV/LINE code, note however it is possible you might have multiples and want it to be sold as a unit, in this case, it will have the same ID. e.g. 6 Chairs, and all 6 have stock ID of 234/5
QTY The quantity on hand of this item in the warehouse
RSV The reserve price required by the seller for this item (Exc.VAT) for EACH item
RDY "Y" if item is ready to be auction,
"N" otherwise.
E.g. needs to be repaired, services or washed
COMM Sellers Commission % that was agreed to be charged to seller when item is sold Leave as "EVENT%" to use default auction sellers Commission percentage.
GRP The group an item belongs to in the warehouse. All items is initially received on Group "0", but can then be moved between groups There is 10 available groups (the default "0" and then "1" to "9" You can also think of groups as different sections within your warehouse e.g. The repairs is all in group 9, the valuables is in group 8, etc.
INVB The last event the item was purchased (by a buyer), with the quantity purchased at that event
INVS The last event the item was settled at (to the seller), with the quantity settled at that event
GRVQTY The original quantity that was received on the GRV for this item
STOCKTYPE The FlexiAuction stock item code used.
"LIV" = Loose item with VAT,
LIZ = Loose item zero-rated
TYPE1 Goods type description
TYPE2 Goods description for identification, e.g. registration number, serial number ,etc.
LOC Any item can be at one of these locations at any stage:
  • WH - In the warehouse
  • WITHDRAWN - The item is not available, e.g. lost, stolen or withdrawn
  • Sold -(Event Nr yyyymmdd@xxxx is specified) - ALL items for that line was purchased
  • FINDING GOODS The filter entry box and tick boxes will help you to display only those items you want to work with, or to see a subset of the list. If RDY="Y" is ticked, only items that is READY will be displayed If RDY="N" is ticked, only items that is NOT READY will be displayed If both or neither is ticked, it is ignored If InWH="Y" is ticked, only items that is in the warehouse will be displayed If InWH="N" is ticked, only items that is not in the warehouse will be displayed If both or neither is ticked, it is ignored In combination with above you can also specify the ID, GRV, Seller, Type or Group of the goods you want to display. To find an item by Stock ID, enter "+" followed by that STOCK ID E.g. Show stock item 2564, type +2564 To find by all items on a GRV, or an specific line item on a GRV, enter "@" followed by that GRV number or GRV number, a slash and the line number E.g. To show items for GRV# G4556, type @G4556 To show line 5 of GRV# G4556, type @G4556/5 To find by all items received from a specific seller, enter "/" followed by the seller number. E.g. To show all goods for seller AB01, type /AB01 To find items by its description, type "~" followed by the description E.g. Show all tables ~TABLE To find all items in a specific group, type in "$" followed by the group number E.g. All in group 5, type $5 Click the [BINOCULARS] or press ENTER for selected items to be displayed MAINTANANCE Right-click for popup menu.
  • Print Revised GRV Will print a GRV Please note that every time you make a change to a GRV or the items on it, you will lose all previous changes and will not be able to print the GRV that was printed prior to this one - in other word, you can only print the NEWEST GRV
  • SYNCHRONIZE WAREHOUSE This function will attempt to update all warehouse stock items from this auction.
  • Set Ready "YES" - Set item to Ready status Shortcut Ctrl+Y
  • Set Ready "NO" Set item to not ready status Shortcut Ctrl+Y
  • Set Group Set an item to any of the 10 groups (or sections within your warehouse): 0 and 1-9 Shortcut Ctrl+0 to Ctrl9
  • Withdraw item Item not in use, e.g. stolen, lost or withdrawn. Shortcut Ctrl+W
  • Reinstate withdrawn item Reinstate after withdrawn with function above
  • Duplicate item Make a duplicate of an item e.g. You received a table and 6 chairs as one item on your GRV, but you rather want to sell them as the table, and the six chairs separately Edit the description and quantities of both the new and original item.
  • change item change values of a specific line item Shortcut F2
  • Find item Press "G" a type either the STOCK ID or the GRV/LN to jump to a specific item. INCOMPLETE DATA - CALL WIHAN

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    Change company details for document printing

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